Flambe flame effects outside Langley House in Chippingham
Flame effects
Flames! Flames! Flames!
EMF holds in stock probably the largest number of real flame effects in the UK. From 7 ft Boxed Flambeaux’s for fantastic entrances to stage flame effect propane gas systems for Film premieres, TV, shows, and events.
Flame effects currently available are standard stage flames, 7 ft standard boxed flambés/ flambeauxs, and Large Boxed Flambés, flame bars and large flame projectors, fireplace real flame effects for Theatre productions.
If however, you require a custom design flame effect in the shape of a corporate logo for instance or to be incorporated into a sculpture we will be able to arrange this for you.
EMF have developed a DMX flame effect system that can be “patched” into any DMX lighting desk for full show control. Operated via a standard lighting desk, these release jets and balls of flame on demand. These systems can be supplied from Boxed freestanding flambés, Stage Fire-Storms, Vulcan’s or our Flame-Can 5m flames mounted inside conventional Par-Can lighting fixtures.
Flame effects, Leicester Square London for Beowulf Premiere
If you require a larger flame effect, our DMX Vulcan Flame Throwers may fit the bill. They project 8m long jets and balls of flame in any direction.
Used in quantity, whole horizons can be transformed into choreographed dancing jet of fire.

Flame effects for Ben 10 London Premiere
Flame effects for Lions for Lambs Premiere, Leicester Square, London
Explosion effects for ITV News